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Terms and Conditons

Terms and Conditons

Thanks for visiting Monax Limited. The website’s terms and conditions specify how and under what conditions you may use it.

We imply that you accept these terms and conditions in their entirety by using this website. If you disagree with any of the terms and conditions on this page, please stop using the website of 

The terms “client,” “you,” and “your” refer to the user who accesses this website and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Company and its privacy statement and disclaimer notice, as well as any other agreements to which the Company is a party. The terms “The Company,” “We,” “Ourselves,” and “Us” relate to our Company. The terms “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us” relate to one or both of the Client and ourselves.

All terms refer to the offer, acceptance, and consideration of payment necessary to carry out the process of providing our assistance to the Client in the most appropriate manner, whether through formal meetings with a set duration or any other means, with the sole intent of providing the Client with the services or products that the Company has identified in its statement of services or products, in accordance with and subject to applicable conditions.

Any usage of the aforementioned terms or other words in the singular, plural, capitalization, or with the pronouns he, she, or they is understood to be interchangeable and to be referring to the same.


Cookies are a tool we use. You agree to the use of cookies in accordance with Monax Limited ‘s privacy policy by using the website of Monax Limited. The majority of interactive websites today use cookies to retrieve user information for each visit.

Some portions of our website make use of cookies to enhance user convenience and facilitate the performance of those areas. Some of our advertising and affiliate partners may also utilize cookies.


The intellectual property rights of all content on Monax Limited are reserved unless otherwise noted.

All rights to intellectual property are reserved. Subject to the limitations outlined in these terms and conditions, you may view and/or print pages from  for your own personal use.

You must not:

  • Republish content from
  • Sell, lease, or sublicense content from
  • replicate or copy material from for
  • Content from Monax Limited may be shared (unless content is specifically made for redistribution).


We disclaim, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all representations, warranties, and conditions with respect to our website and the use of this website, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and/or use of reasonable care and skill.

There is nothing in this disclaimer that will:
  • Limit or forgo our or your culpability for fatalities or bodily injuries brought on by negligence.
  • limit or exclude our and your responsibility for fraud or false misrepresentation.
  • Limit our or your liabilities in any manner that is not allowed by the applicable legislation.
  • Alternatively, omit any of your or our liabilities that may not be omitted by relevant law.

The liability restrictions and exclusions described in this Section and elsewhere in this disclaimer:

Control any obligations emerging under the disclaimer or in regard to its subject matter, subject to the preceding sentence, and include liabilities arising in contract, tort (including negligence), and for breach of statutory duty.

Insofar as the website, its contents, and the services offered thereon are free of charge, we will not be held responsible for any kind of loss or damage.